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State Funding and Support Offered by New Hampshire through Medicaid

Life Coping, Inc. is a licensed case management agency operating throughout the state of New Hampshire. We assist older Americans and people with disabilities – and their families – in identifying needed services and finding service providers. We help them navigate the complex landscape of federal, state and local assistance programs, and apply for the assistance they may qualify for.


Medicaid is a joint federal-state program that provides medical care and services to certain people who have resources below $2,500.00 (not including your home). Those individuals include people who are,” aged, blind and disabled”. The income level varies by individual circumstances.

Medicaid Waiver

Under “Home and Community Based Services” (HCBS) there are programs established under Medicaid where certain rules have been waived so that the services can be provided in the community as opposed to an institution or intermediate care facilities.

CFI Waiver

Also called HCBS-ECI. “Choices For Independence” is a program where the individual is 18yrs of age, needs nursing home level of care, resides in a setting free of hazards and supports and where services are available in the community. The cost for services must be the same or lower then a nursing facility. Some people who do not qualify for the ABD waiver may qualify for CFI.

ABD Waiver

The “Acquired Brain Disorder” waiver is a smaller waiver. A person is eligible if they are 22 or older, there is a disruption in brain function due to external trauma, anoxia or hypoxia, infectious disease, stroke, tumor, surgery, toxic exposure or other neurological disorder such as MS or Huntington’s, that occurred after childhood but before age 60 which impairs a person to function in society. Another criteria is that the person must need skilled nursing or rehabilitative care.

IHS Waiver

The “In Home Support” waiver is for children who are developmentally delayed and meet the ICF/MR (Intermediate Care Physicality) level of care to remain living in the community. Services offered are personal care (which can be provided by the parents or care takers), case management, day habilitation and respite. Children must be eligible under Katie Beckett.*

*Katie Beckett is the eligibility category that allows certain children under the age of 19 who have long-term disabilities or complex medical issues to become eligible for Medical Assistance under Medicaid.

The DD Waiver

A person with a developmental disability whose disability occurred before the age of 22 my be eligible for the “Developmental Disability” waiver. They must meet the ICF/MR level of care to remain living in the community, and the disability is expected to continue indefinitely.

Under the DD, IHS and ABD waivers a person can receive a wide variety of services through an individual services plan (ISP). Services may include service coordination (CM), comprehensive residential and day supports, day activities or supported employment, personal care services, respite, environmental modifications and assisted technology. Both the DD and ABD are administered by the Division of Developmental Services of the Department of Health and Human Services.

New Hampshire is divided into geographic regions to provide Developmental Disabilities Services through 10 Area Agencies. These are the hubs to the services provided to individuals with developmental disabilities and their families, ABD and IHS.